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InKredulous: Episode #037

Episode 37 of our satirical comedy podcast. Your host is Andy Wilson (@InKredulosi) of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and co-organiser of QED conference. My guests were chock full of content so this is a BUMPER episode! And look out for the Easter Egg at the end where I realigned something from the show.

Appearing this time are:

Michael “Marsh” Marshall of Skeptics with a K, Be Reasonable and the Good Thinking Society (@MrMMarsh)

Hayley Stevens of ghostgeek.co.uk, podcaster and ghost hunter (@HayleyStevens)

George Hrab, enigmatic and shaven host of the Geologic Podcast and many other wonderful achievements including his TEDx talk (@GeorgeHrab)

As ever, thanks for listening and for all the lovely comments. Support the MSS, our work and all of our podcasts by making a monthly contribution via Patreon.