InKredulous: Episode #018
Episode 18 of our satirical comedy podcast. A bumper episode with questions on skeptical topics, and four guests answering them.
Your host is Andy Wilson (@InKredulosi) of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and director and co-organiser of QED Conference, April 13th-14th 2013.
We organised a transatlantic face off pitting the USA, represented by Tom and Cecil from Cognitive Dissonance against the UK, represented by Marsh and Mike, two thirds of Skeptics with a K. “Light the blue touch paper and stand well back” is the phrase that springs to mind. It’s a long episode but… well you’ll see why.
Appearing this time are:
Tom and Cecil of the Cognitive Dissonance podcast (@dissonance_pod)
Michael Marshall (@MrMMarsh), co-host of Skeptics with a K and director and co-organiser of QED Conference
Mike Hall (@mikehall314) President of Merseyside Skeptics Society, producer and host of Skeptics with A K podcast and director and co-organiser of the QED conference.
You can contact the show at, follow us on twitter @InKredulosi or join our facebook page. As always, thanks for listening. We’re always looking for fun, interesting guests. Let us know who you’d like to appear.